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Kim Morris reported that about 20 Tigard Rotary Club members showed up to help with the Intercambio workshop at Tigard High School. He said the students really enjoyed the event, and appreciated the time given and interest shown by Rotarians to help them brainstorm their education and career choices.

Cheron Calder announced that we will have a Fireside on April 21st, from 2 – 4 PM, at Gail and Bruce Toien’s home in Sherwood. Food and drinks will be provided potluck-style. The focus will be on establishing objectives and strategies to achieve the Club’s long-term goals. It will be a follow-up to the Visioning Session that several members participated in last fall.

Ryan Flatley explained the proposed changes to the By-laws of the Rotary Club of Tigard Foundation. He said that the proposed changes had been reviewed and recommended by the Foundation Board, but that they still needed to be approved by a majority of the Foundation members (i.e., all Tigard Rotary Club members) to be official. A majority of the members were in attendance, and they voted overwhelmingly in favor of adopting the revised by-laws. Thank-you Ryan, and Jim Sanders, for getting this done!

Dan Murphy was Sargent-at-Arms. He divided the room into two groups, with 3 representatives for each group, then asked trivia questions about past U.S. Presidents – in recognition of President’s Day. The group that lost (that is, got the fewest right answers) had to pay whatever the winning team’s spin at The Wheel indicated. Fortunately – for the losers – the Wheel landed on $2.