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Visitors included Renee from Sherwood Rotary.

The meeting on March 1 will be a Club Social to begin the strategic planning process initiated by the Visioning workshop held in November.  Please plan to attend this important meeting and help decide the future of our club.

A Fireside will be planned to focus on the many service projects our club does. This event will be especially interesting to new members but all are welcome and encouraged to attend.  Date and location TBA.

Ten Grands on the Diamond is set for Saturday August 11 at the Hillsboro Stadium.  Volunteers are needed to help with three major components:

  1. Silent Auction
  2. Fund Raising
  3. Volunteer Coordinator.  (30 volunteers needed)

Fund raising budget for the event is $90,000 and $60,000 is pledged thus far.

If you are interested in helping with Ten Grands, please contact Jacob.

Several exchange student attended the meeting.  Anne, our rebound student from Italy is working at Nordstrom and looking forward to an upcoming trip to NY to visit the NY Fashion Institute.  She is interested in pursuing a degree in retail business management.

Anika, one of two upcoming outbound students from our club, just found out she will be going to Argentina!  She recently attended the annual District 5100 ski trip to Anthony Lakes.

Derek is one of 5 short-term outbound students going out next summer who just learned he will be going to France.  It’s tennis season and he’s hoping to make the Varsity team at THS.

Short-term outbound, Steele has not yet found out the country she will visit but is willing to go anywhere!  She is looking forward to beginning equestrian training again this spring.

Our inbound student, Alberto from Italy, also attended the Anthony Lakes ski trip.  Swimming season is over and he is looking forward to competing on the track team.

Bonnie won the Sergeant’s contest for the ugliest tie.

Zoe has been named City Manager for the city of Dayton.  Congratulations!